Facilities Heading link

Lounge Space
The lounge consists of armchairs and sofas to rest and recharge, snack, or talk quietly with your friends. We also offer various tables, dry erase boards/tables, board games, and a television available for use.
Kitchenette Heading link

The CSRC is equipped with a kitchenette that features industrial microwaves, a vegetarian microwave, a sink, a public refrigerator, and a public freezer. This is a great space to store your lunch throughout the week!
Staff members will be onsite to serve as a resource and to actively maintain a clean space for students throughout the day.
Lockers Heading link

Lockers are Back at the CSRC!
Visit the Commuter Student Resource Center front desk (Student Center East Suite 245) for any assistance with lockers.
For questions please email us at commuter@uic.edu or call at 312-413-7440.
Other Lockers on Campus?
At this time the Commuter Student Resource Center is the only facility distributing semester lockers.
Visit the Student Centers Locker Registration page for more details here.
Multipurpose Room Heading link

Multipurpose Room
The Multipurpose Room is a room adjacent to the main area of the CSRC that can be reserved for programming and events. When not reserved for an event, this room is free to use for studying. The Multipurpose room is also equipped with computers and a printer.
Quiet Study Space Heading link

Quiet Study Space
The Quiet Study space is located in the far end of the CSRC. This space is equipped with tables and chairs and is a space where students can quietly study and relax.
Lactation Room Heading link

Lactation Rooms
Private lactation facilities are available. These rooms feature power outlets, comfortable seating, a baby changing station, and a rack to hold clothing. The keys to the lactation rooms are available at the front desk of the CSRC.
Space Reservation Heading link

Space Reservation
UIC Departments and students organizations are welcome to request use of our center Multipurpose Room or Quiet Room for meetings or events. Keep in mind, space is limited a specific areas of our center are centrally located (i.e. grant pantry or locker access).
Please email our Student Engagement Business Manager, Bonnie Bell, for any reservation inquiries at (bonniebe@uic.edu).